Our History

The Association of Concert Bands of America (ACBA) was founded in August 1977 as a not-for-profit corporation. Renamed the Association of Concert Bands (ACB), the Association remains a nonprofit New York state corporation.

Association of Concert Bands members include bands, individuals and corporations who are uniquely dedicated and equipped to serve the needs of adult instrumental musicians who perform in and lead community bands.

In 2001, the Association of Concert Bands negotiated blanket license agreements with ASCAP and BMI for performance rights for its members. The ACB Blanket License provides significantly reduced rates for our member bands and these agreements were an important milestone in the advancement of the association as an advocate for adult concert bands.


Publishing the ACB Band Builder's Manual, a collection of articles, resources and information useful to members who are starting or revitalizing an adult community band. The ACB Band Builder’s manual covers topics such as establishment, funding, development, maintenance, and promotion of bands in the world community.

Publishing the ACB Journal magazine, to publish reviews and information about new band literature and related subjects, news of member and member band activities, and inform members of the official business of the Association of Concert Bands, as well as to share information relevant to adult recreational musicians, community band directors, and community band leadership.


  • To cooperate with various authorities such as state and national governments, councils of the arts, town councils, parks and recreation boards, school boards, and others, providing information on funding, policies, and practices of music projects in various regions of the country.
  • To share information with other national and international associations, to sponsor the research and dissemination of creative ideas leading to the improvement and promotion of and appreciation of adult concert bands.
  • To recommend special band programs to media services, and cooperate with these groups in programming radio and television broadcasts by and about adult concert bands throughout the world.
  • To conduct an annual convention where experienced ACB members and leading experts (such as conductors, soloists, managers, composers and arrangers, publishers, health professionals, and manufacturers) lecture and discuss topics dealing with adult concert bands; where ACB member bands and acclaimed professional groups are heard in concert for a better understanding and appreciation of bands and band music by directors, band members, band enthusiasts, Industry, and government entitles.