ACB Blanket Performance License

  • Already have the license: click here                                            
  • For information on other forms of copyright: click here

The ACB Blanket Performance license does NOT cover virtual performances (individual recordings stitched together) or video recordings of concerts that were performed live.  This license only covers the live public performance.


The Association of Concert Bands collects program information from participating member bands and submits it to ASCAP and BMI at the end of each year as part of the sub-licensing agreement.  By submitting this information the publishers, composers and arrangers will receive credit for the performed works.

Who are ASCAP and BMI? 
ASCAP stands for is the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers and BMI stands for Broadcast Music Inc. ASCAP and BMI represent composers, songwriters, lyricists, and music publishers across the country and internationally.  They collect and distribute royalties for performances of copyrighted works.

What is a performance fee? 
The performance fee is the license fee to perform one piece of music one time. Whenever there is a public performance of copyrighted work, performance fees need to be paid. Paying the licensing fees ensures that composers and arrangers will continue to create new music. 

What is a Blanket License? 
A blanket license is a license that allows work to be performed as many times as the performer wants during the year for which the license was obtained.  As a blanket license covers as few or as many performances in the calendar year where zero is also a possible number of performances which means that there is no possibility of reimbursement or prorating.

How does ACB fit in?
The ACB has negotiated a Blanket License for our members to purchase that enables members bands to perform work that is licensed by ASCAP and BMI as many times as you want during the year for one low fee. The end of this page explains how a band with the license will submit the information.

Who is eligible? Organizations who meet the following criteria

  • Dues-paying member of the ACB
  • Annual gross ticket sales of less than $50,000;
  • Annual operating budget of less than $50,000; and,
  • No outstanding dues owed to ASCAP/BMI
  •  Ensembles functioning as a concert band (such as a community band, wind ensemble, brass band, jazz band).
Who is not eligible for the Blanket Performance License through the Association of Concert Bands?
  1. Have outstanding dues owed to ASCAP/BMI
  2. Ensembles NOT functioning as a concert band:
    • Examples include, but are not limited to:
      • Cover Bands
      • Garage Bands
      • Solo performers
      • Duos
      • String Orchestras
      • Vocal ensembles (such as solo artists, chorus, a capella, barbershop)
  3. Coffee Shops, Restaurants, Dance Studios and other venues.
    • Above ensembles and venues should contact ASCAP and BMI directly for their licensing needs.
What this blanket performance license does NOT allow you to do:
  • make and sell recordings (falls under mechanical rights)
  • make and post videos (falls under synchronization rights)
  • make reproductions of print music (falls under print rights)
  • make arrangements of copyrighted music (need permission of copyright holder)
  • Livestream concerts (some platforms are covered by ASCAP and BMI, need a digital license if streaming on your own website)

Click here to read our FAQ and learn more about performance fees and how your band, with ACB membership and ACB Blanket Performance License with BMI and ASCAP, can take advantage of the licensing agreement.


  • Use the Excel Spreadsheet for reporting linked below to record your concert performance information.
    • Enter the appropriate information for each selection according to the column headings
    • The program information is needed for the composers, arrangers, and publishers to be credited appropriately.
    • Please include all works performed (published and manuscripts) at all concerts, including free concerts and civic events.
    • Note: It is easier to fill this in after each concert than trying to do it all in December
  • When you have completed your concerts for the year, email the spreadsheet to [email protected] or submit using this form for  2025 reportsThe current submission form is also available in the Members Area of the website.
Submission Deadline: the end of the calendar year   (You may send information up to January 31st for the previous year.)
Reporting Spreadsheet (Excel):

 ASCAP/BMI Excel Template 

Reporting Template (Google Doc):
ASCAP/BMI Google Template

         Letter with Information for License Holders: 

 Information Letter for Blanket Performance License Holders  (updated 2024)