April 25, 2021, 4pm Eastern Daylight Time
“ACB General Membership Meeting” 

scroll for video of Band Showcase

Every year, ACB holds an informational meeting for the entire membership of the  Association.  Usually this happens at the national convention, but this year, it will be a virtual event! Every ACB member is invited to attend. All members of ACB Member Bands are welcome to attend this event.
During this General Membership Meeting, there’ll be time for greeting your ACB friends. There will be a special presentation of the “Showcase of Bands” which features more than 30 of our ACB member bands and includes an encore performance of the 2014 Convention Band. During the meeting segment, you’ll hear from our current officers and board members and you’ll witness the New Officers and New Board members as they take their oaths of office.  Then to complete the program, awards will be presented, we’ll hear from the Santa Fe, New Mexico 2022 Convention Committee, and we’ll welcome a special guest speaker, Keith Kelly, one of the founding members of the Irish Symphonic Wind Orchestra and host of the Global Bandroom Podcast. 

You won’t want to miss this special event!

Meeting included presentations from:  

Susan Sands

ACB President
Susan Sands

   Gail Brechting

ACB President-Elect
Gail Brechting

Nada Montgomery

ACB Secretary
Nada Montgomery

Craig Earhard

ACB Treasurer
Craig Erhard

Sarah McElfresh

ACB Membership Chair
Sarah McElfresh

 Special Guest Speaker 

Keith Keith Kelly  -Keith Kelly, a former military musician and music school administrator, is a worldwide music creator/thinker. He manages a Facebook group titled Bands of Ireland and, due to the COVID19 lockdowns and the need to connect, Keith started The Global Bandroom Podcast discussing the struggle of community bands during this crisis.







Links presented during the Meeting

Aerosol studies and Covid Info:

ACB Financial Report -  (requires member login)

ACB Copyright Pages:

Find-A-Band Directory: https://www.acbands.org/find-a-band-directory

Update Find-A-Band Listing: https://www.acbands.org/update-find-a-band (requires member login by a Band account)

Update Band Contact information: https://www.acbands.org/band-update-contact-information (requires member login by a Band account)

Update any contact information (all member types): https://www.acbands.org/my-profile (requires member login)

ACB Connectshttps://www.acbands.org/acbconnects

ACB Connects! Series on Virtual Performances:

New Mexico Convention 2022 - http://acb2022.org/

Global Bandroom:


The complete meeting recording was available in the Members Area until May 10, 2021 - it has now been removed.